Harry Strange is an award-winning radio drama that tells the tale of a private investigator whose beat takes him into the supernatural. Harry's adventures bring him face-to-face with demons, succubi, vampires and all manner of 'unnatural', and the occasional 'natural', evil.
“Magic and magical people — the ‘unnatural order’ is all around us. There are white witches, black witches, demons, vamps, werewolves, shape shifters, ghosts; it’s a protoplasmic party of creature features out there. But unless you know where to look, you won’t find them. I know where to look.
My name is Harry Strange.”
The Most Recent Episode
The entire series starting with the first episode is located here Harry Strange TOS on Spotify. If you are a new listener and want to know where to begin, please click on the New Listener link in the menu bar.
Just a teaser for the Harry Strange Radio Drama final episode which drops into your feeds on July 15! The teaser features the vocal talents of Kellen Stennett, Emma Greene, Laura Corliss, Sketch MacQuinor, and Tricia Groves. Share this with everyone!
Harry finds his child and Fiona; the Pithos is as close and as far as it has ever been.
Harry Strange episode 315: What Lovecraft Said Part 2 was written by Tony Sarrecchia and directed by Jason Tyler. Sound Design by Molly Silverman and Tony Sarrecchia. All material is copyright (c) 2018 by Tony Sarrecchia and used with his permission.
Featured in tonight’s cast were (in order of appearance):
Kellen Stennett
Laura Corliss
Lindsey Moser
Julie Still
Emily Jane
Tricia Groves
Crystal Lo
Jackie Costello
Leanna Adams
To keep with up the latest news and information on everyone's favorite private investigator, visit our Facebook page at facebook.com/harrystrangeradio. Send your questions, comments and suggestions to producer@harrystrange.com
Harry’s opening and closing theme music was written and performed by Ryan Lessard and is copyright by Ryan Lessard and used with his permission. Contact Ryan at: rlessardmusic@gmail.com.
Incidental music was written and performed by Kevin Macleod and is copyright by Kevin Macleod and used with his permission. Visit incompetech.com/ for more of Kevin’s music.
Sound effects licensed by soundsnap.com
Be sure to join us next time for the finale of the Harry Strange Radio Drama.
Get ready, folks! 'Harry Strange #315 What Lovecraft Said, P2' will drop in your feeds on Sunday, May 13. Here is a little 30-second teaser to hold you over. Please share with the world. (It wouldn't hurt to review all of season 3 before the 13).
Harry Strange radio drama is now available on iTunes!
Please follow this link Harry Strange TOS on iTunes to subscribe. When iTunes relisted us, they lost all our ratings and reviews. If you could show us a little love there it would help get regain the ground we've lost over the past year. Thanks!
For reasons unfathomable, iTunes is still pooping when it comes to the Harry Strange Radio Drama's rss feed. Here is a temporary workaround:
From the iTunes menu bar: select File/Subscribe to Podcast and paste this address in the field that opens http://harrystrangeradiodrama.libsyn.com/rss Click on FEED and you'll have access to the entire Harry Strange Radio Drama catalog.
We hope iTunes gets this resolved soon. Thanks for your patience.
Harry Strange episode 314: What Lovecraft Said Part 1 was written by Tony Sarrecchia and directed by Jason Tyler. Sound Design by Molly Silverman. All material is copyright (c) 2016 by Tony Sarrecchia and used with his permission.
Featured in tonight’s cast were (in order of appearance):
Kellen Stennett, Crystal Lo, Joe Roesch, Stephanie Wilkinson, Leanna Adams, Laura Corliss, Jackie Costello, and Michael Donelan
To keep with up the latest news and information on everyone's favorite private investigator, visit our Facebook page at facebook.com/harrystrangeradio. Send your questions, comments and suggestions to producer@harrystrange.com
For comments that may be included on future shows, call the listener hotline @ 678-379-8669 that’s 678-379-TONY
Harry’s opening and closing theme music was written and performed by Ryan Lessard and is copyright by Ryan Lessard and used with his permission. Contact Ryan at: rlessardmusic@gmail.com.
Incidental music was written and performed by Kevin Macleod and is copyright by Kevin Macleod and used with his permission. Visit incompetech.com/ for more of Kevin’s music.
Sound effects licensed by soundsnap.com
For the Harry Strange Radio Drama, I am JoAnn Pruden. Goodnight!
Have you always wanted to watch a Harry Strange Live episode? Of course you have! But maybe you couldn't get to the show--ya know, you lived out of town, your mom was visiting, you were in the middle of firefight with Orcs and Elder Gods... Well, good sir or good ma'am, now you can.
This is our live performance of 'Bibbity Boppity' at Conjuration Con (Atlanta) 2014.
What happens when a teen-aged girl reverts to her 8 year-old self in times of emotional stress?
Featured in the cast are Kellen Stennett, Evan Brandonisio, Victoria Petrosky, Anna Cate, Jason Tyler, Michael S Donelan, Melissa Oulton, Tricia Groves, and Emily Jane.
We didn't really have our poop together with the audio so what you'll hear was recorded from the camera's audio rather than a separate audio file. Enjoy!
Produced and Written by Tony Sarrecchia
Directed by Jason Tyler
Written by Evan Brandonisio
Copyright (c) by Tony Sarrecchia. All rights Reserved.